
About the 219th Nagasaki University FD “Creation of Multimedia Test Questions”

1. 1. Overview: Online education in foreign language education is required not only to improve educational methods but also to evaluate educational effects. In this FD, Mr. Junko Takekabe of Chiba University was invited as a lecturer to improve the efficiency of creating, tabulating, and analyzing advanced multimedia tests using test creation software (THINQ Xe) in a hands-on manner. Have it implemented. 2. 2. Target: All teachers in charge of liberal arts education foreign language courses (English / beginner foreign language) in 2022 and teachers who are interested in creating online tests 3. 3. Date and time: February 18, 4th […]

2021 Nagasaki University FD Summer Workshop Program (Notice)

1. 1. Effect Share issues related to liberal arts education and student support at our university, and improve education from the second half of the year. This training is conducted by carefully selecting the content so that it can be used immediately. I know you’re busy However, in order to look back on our daily practices and lead to a more fulfilling university education, Please use this workshop. 2. 2. Target: All faculty and staff (including part-time staff) 3. 3. Period: Attachment “2021  Nagasaki University FD Summer Workshop Program” As (the bottom deficit) 4. Program structure: Same as above 5. […]

About the 216th Nagasaki University FD “About the utilization of Edge Analytics Appliance for classes”

To all faculty and staff Center for Educational Innovation, University About the holding of the 216th Nagasaki University FD “Utilization of Edge Analytics Appliance for classes” (Notice) We would like to inform you that the title FD will be held as follows. We look forward to your participation. Record 1. Purpose: Video processing technology equipped with AI for the purpose of further improving students’ understanding and satisfaction and realizing high-quality education while online classes using the video conference system are being held in COVID19. We have introduced a lecture recording system in one classroom. This FD is an opportunity to […]

About the 215th Nagasaki University FD “Tips for layout of presentation materials transmitted with UD fonts (on-demand type)”

To all faculty and staff Center for Educational Innovation, University About the holding of the 215th Nagasaki University FD “Tips for layout of presentation materials transmitted with UD fonts (on-demand type)” (Notice) We would like to inform you that the title FD will be held as follows. This FD is an on-demand online course, so please take it on the following dates and times. We look forward to your participation. Record 1. Purpose: Since it is important to use characters compatible with universal design (UD) in online lessons by Corona, and in lessons for various students, it is important to […]

About the 211th Nagasaki University FD “Tips for layout of presentation materials transmitted with UD fonts”

To all faculty and staff Center for Educational Innovation, University About the 211th Nagasaki University FD “Tips for layout of presentation materials transmitted with UD fonts” (Notice) We would like to inform you that the title FD will be held as follows. This FD is a real-time online course, so please take it on the following dates and times. We look forward to your participation. Record 1. Purpose: It is important to use characters that support universal design (UD) in online lessons by Corona Sorrow and in lessons for various students. Therefore, this time, we will hold a course as […]

About the 209th Nagasaki University FD “About the operational tips for designing online lessons and demonstrating educational effects”

To all faculty and staff Center for Educational Innovation, University About the 209th Nagasaki University FD “About the operational tips for designing online lessons and demonstrating educational effects” (Notice) We would like to inform you that the title FD will be held as follows. This FD is an on-demand online course, so please take it at a convenient date and time during the following period. We look forward to your participation. Record 1. Purpose: In the assignments and feedback sheets submitted in the previous FD of “Introduction of practical examples of ingenuity of remote lessons”, many FDs of case examples […]

About posting WEB-only articles on “College Management”

In the WEB-only article of Recruit Advancement Research Institute “College Management”, the latest example of the university is “Survey Report Evaluation, Structured Interview, Paper Interview”, which Nagasaki University is working on to develop a method for evaluating independence in general selection. It is posted. Please take a look at this article from the link below.