
Request for your participation in the Nagasaki University one-year out alumni survey in FY2024【Deadline Extended】

Request for your cooperation in the FY2024 Nagasaki University First Year Post-Completion Survey【Deadline Extended】 Dear In the early winter, we would like to take this opportunity to wish all of our alumni the very best of health. Thank you very much for your continued understanding and cooperation with the activities of Nagasaki University. Nagasaki University is conducting a survey of alumni in order to assess what they have learned at Nagasaki University by reflecting on their own student life and the time since their completion of their studies, to identify problems at Nagasaki University, and to help us assure the […]

Input of Comments on Course Engagement Questionnaire for the Second Semester and Third and Fourth Quarter Courses (Request)

Course Directors for Late, 3rd and 4th Quarter Courses To all persons in charge of courses for which more than one faculty member is in charge We appreciate for your cooperation in the Course Engagement Questionnaire. The results are available to you from March 6th, 2024. Please input your comments on the results through the NU-Web system. The results and your comments will go public later. If your class has 5 enrollees or fewer (including 0), a comment entry field is not displayed. Record 1. Classes you need to input comments for: Classes with more than 6 enrollees in this […]

Conducting the Course Engagement Questionnaire (former Class Questionnaire) for this second semester and fourth quarter (request)

To all faculty members, To all course directors, Conducting the Course Engagement Questionnaire (former Class Questionnaire) for this second semester and fourth quarter (request) Thank you for your cooperation in managing the Course Engagement Questionnaire. We will conduct the “Course Engagement Questionnaire” in all classes in this second semester and fourth quarter, so please look at the instruction below, and ask your students in person or in online classes to answer the “Course Engagement Questionnaire.” The name of the “Class Questionnaire” has been changed to ” Course Engagement Questionnaire ” since the 2022 academic year. There is no change in […]

Request for your cooperation in the 2022 Nagasaki University 5- and 10-year post-graduation/post-completion survey 【Deadline Extended】.

Request for your cooperation in the 2022 Nagasaki University 5- and 10-Year Post-Graduation and Post-Completion Surveys 【Deadline Extended】. Dear Sir Nagasaki University is conducting the Alumni Survey for the 5- and 10- year out alumni to ask you to evaluate what you have learned at Nagasaki University, reflecting on your own student life and the time since graduation in order to explore the issues of the university education and then improve on them. Moreover, we would like to hear from you about your employment situation after graduation, so as to build educational programs and support systems that contribute to career […]

Request for your cooperation in the FY2022 Nagasaki University First Year Post-Graduation and Post-Completion Surveys 【Deadline Extended】.

Request for your cooperation in the FY2022 Nagasaki University First Year Post-Graduation and Post-Completion Survey 【Deadline Extended】. Dear Sir Nagasaki University is conducting the Alumni Survey for the 5- and 10- year out alumni to ask you to evaluate what you have learned at Nagasaki University, reflecting on your own student life and the time since graduation in order to explore the issues of the university education and then improve on them. Moreover, we would like to hear from you about your employment situation after graduation, so as to build educational programs and support systems that contribute to career development […]

The 224th Nagasaki University FD/2022 Summer Workshop Program “Considering the Effective Use of LMS” (2nd session) Holding of the 2nd Workshop

To all faculty and staff Center for Educational Innovation The 224th Nagasaki University FD/2022 Summer Workshop Program Holding of “Considering Effective Use of LMS” (2nd session) (Notice) We are pleased to announce that the above FD will be held as follows. We look forward to your participation. Record 1. Purpose: In using LACS, MicrosoftTeams, etc., consider useful functions with case studies. 2. Date: September 21, 2022 (Wednesday) 16:00-17:00 3. location: Seminar Room, ICT Infrastructure Center 4. Program structure This program will be held face-to-face. Lecturer: ICT Infrastructure Center, Tadahisa Niwa Center for Education Innovation Hirotaka Wakana 5. Organizer: Center for […]

the 224th Nagasaki University FD/2022 Summer Workshop Program “Understanding the Use of Portfolio System and Diploma Supplement in Other Universities” (Notice)

                             September 2, 2022  To all faculty and staff Director, Center for Educational Innovation   The 224th Nagasaki University FD/2022 Summer Workshop Program   Portfolio Systems and Diploma Supplements at Other Universities   Holding of “Understanding the State of Utilization” (Notice)  We are pleased to announce that the above FD will be held as follows.  We look forward to seeing many of you there.                    record 1. Purpose:   The Grand Design for Higher Education Toward 2040 (Report), proposed in 2008, and   The “Guidelines for Academic Management” and other recent trends in higher education policy are being grasped, and university reform and education are being promoted. […]